This photo taken just moments ago from my balcony. Add your own birdy sound effects. It's one of those sublime winter (!) days in Sydney, you know, the kind that can make people do the most curious of things. If you know what I mean, you know what I mean. The kind that is like the height of summer is many parts of the world. Certain songs and music go with this kind of weather. Not the bouncy, beachy, novelty songs usually associated with holidays, and days at the beach and backyard cricket. I tried thinking about what it was that made these songs the right ones for now, it might be as simple as that they sound cool drifting through the house while you're out the back reading on a blanket under the Hills Hoist. I don't have a Hills Hoist or even a backyard but being in the inner west feels pretty bloody good. It's been a bad day for Marrickville, but Marrickville will rise again!
Anyway, these MP3s are some of the songs I want to listen to today. Now, excuse me while I go and curl up on the sunny patch on the lounge.
A Bible and a Gun -- Jason Ringenberg and Steve Earle
Sweet Suzanne -- Joe Ely, John Prine, James McMurtry, Dwight Yoakam, John Mellancamp
Revival (Love is Everywhere) -- Allman Brothers
Carmelita -- Flaco Jimenez and Dwight Yoakam
PS I forgot to note down how big each of them is. You do need me to go back and check, do you? All about 3MB.
Update: Links fixed if you tried to listen in the last and couldn't. Does anyone actually listen to these MP3 or am I only amusing myself? That's fine, if so, nothing wrong with amusing yourself.
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