People who yell out "Summer of 69" at Ryan Adams gigs think they are this (left) when, in fact, they are that (right).
So, Ryan Adams. Bernard Zuel's review is pretty good. On account of the economy, I didn't get my ticket until late and was stuck way up the back (in the foyer area for those who know the Enmore). I'm usually manic about being Up The Front at gigs so I philosophically accepted this as an enforced opportunity to chill out and enjoy the better sound quality everyone tells me you get back there. I was surprised there were a slew of songs from Heartbreaker and only two from Gold, and Zuel rightly notes the opening solo acoustic numbers were divine. This is no complaint, although Gold remains my favourote album all over. I was late getting into Adams because the hype and the enfant terrible artifice put me right off but for all that distraco-noise, he truly is one of the artists of this generation whose output and promise are so strong you'll go with him through the eccentricities, the mis-steps and the, quite possibly, hubris. It was a long, rich, engaging performance and the Cardinals impressed, particularly the pedal steel which drenches some songs in a beauteous, fine mist and at other times rocked it up with the band.
Of course there was the obligatory "Summer of 69" request which made me cringe. Despite previously wishing for a tantrum, I really think jerks in the audience should just shut.up. You are only embarrassing yourself and us and if it was ever amusing/cute/clever (I doubt it) it isn't now. Random audience galah, you are lame! Having said that, having now seen Ryan's snittiness in response, it's a much more self conscious part of the act than I had thought. Particularly when he actually does sing Summer of 69 ...
The Herald taps his hair as being Neil Young, I go with Bon Jovi.
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