It would be seriously amiss of a country music blog not to note July 4th. If not for our Seppo cousins I'd be forced to blog about something inconsequential like politics and all we'd have is -- ugh -- Celtic music. Don't even think about it. So ... Good for you, Seppos!
In particular, today let's shout out to a singular group of Seppos called Arcadiens. After the Le Grand Dérangement of 1755 -- 1763 (no love for you today, Poms) they found themselves among cotton mouthed Anglais speakers (or the Native Americans, depending on your source) who mangled their names and called them Cajuns. And headline writers realised that rhymed with Ragin' and saw that it was good.
I listen to three net radio channels: our own Dig, Ram Radio and the jaw droppingly awesome KBON-- Louisiana Proud. Cajun, zydeco, soul, swamp pop, classic country. Do it.
Not much in the "world music" bins really holds my interest, on account of my frequently stated devotions to lyrics above all which kinda doesn't work if it's in another langauge. There is a certain sound though to a voice, an instrument that cuts through for me, and just cuts through me. The classic cajun voice is wiry and robust, turned to the serious matters of dancing, mourning , loving and losing. All at the same time often.
Difficult to choose a few songs. Of course one has to be the "Cajun national anthem", here from one of it's greatest ambassadors.
Listen: Clifton Chenier -- Jolie Blon
The other, just a random song I love. Another classic from three greats, including D.L Menard, known as the Hank Williams of Cajun for his high lonesome sound.
Listen: J'Ai Fait Un Gros Erreur -- Dewey Balfa, Marc Savoy & D.L. Menard
And another, a more upbeat one. Two-step away!
Listen: Allons A Tepatate -- Balfa Toujours
For the geekly minded: is Cajun in the genes?
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